Thursday, January 29, 2009


I am still...
here, waiting
trying to stay optimistic (it's getting harder and harder)
carrying a breach baby
not making progress... in fact none at all
not sleeping well

I've started taking walks the last couple days to pretend I'm doing something to help things along. Steve is doing his best to keep me in good spirits (he's such a great strength for me) and keeps assuring me that there is a reason for all of this and maybe someday we will get to know what that reason is. I have my next doctor's appointment Monday and if nothing has changed we'll schedule a c-section then. I'm terrified of another surgery, so I really hope it doesn't come to that.

On a side note- we found out how old my doctor is... 78 years old! Can you believe it?


erin sheely said...

Oh Tiff...I wish there was something I could say that may be the least bit helpful. I'm thinking about you.

Carrie said...

I think my San Francisco OBGYN was around that age, too...all he had in the office was the chair, stirrups and a microscope! Old school, to say the least...