Sunday, January 25, 2009

Greatest Grandma Ever

Ellie has been thankful in her prayers the last few nights for the greatest sisters, Mom, Dad and Grandma EVER. It is so adorable to hear her say it. But I have to agree. My mom has definitely been awesome to have around. Last night she let me go with Steve to Salina on a date. He had priesthood meetings, so we went out to dinner and while he was being spiritually edified, I was out shopping :-) It was amazing to be able to eat dinner and not juggle girls. And then to just meander through a store without worrying where the girls had run to this time... And then on top of it all, Mom bathed the girls, changed out throw-up sheets on Sarah's bed and folded my laundry. Then tonight Sarah threw up all over her. Poor Mom. She is truly a super-grandma. She made the most darling outfits for the dolls she brought the girls as well. Each girl got a new doll and the doll came outfitted with a matching princess dress to each girl, pajamas, play clothes, dresses... I think each doll came with 5 new outfits total. Mom is amazing. We'll get some fun pictures soon. Now that Steve is starting to not feel well it will be nice to have the extra help there, too.

I think that tonight the baby is facing the right direction. He was head-butting my ribs all during church, so it's probably not permanent, but it gives me hope whenever he actually gets into that position. Still no indication of when he might want to come join the world.


erin sheely said...

Wow!! That sounds like so much fun! I can't wait to see pics of these dolls. I'm glad that maybe that little pumpkin might decide to face the right way already. :)

Melissa said...

Mothers are absolutely wonderful, huh? I'm so glad you get to spend some time with her, and some alone time with your honey, too. Best of wishes to you the next few days, I hope little boy Elgan rights himself just in time, and that you have as wonderful a delivery as possible, under the circumstances. I'll be thinking of you and remember you in our prayers!

Whacky Wheelers said...

Matthew's prayers are "bless us to be happy and good and cheerful" or "cheerful and happy and good".

Good luck and give the girls hugs for us!!

geoffrey said...

way to go mom!