Sunday, January 18, 2009


Today I want to write about something positive. I've felt very down lately and thought that maybe this post will help raise my spirits. So here are a few things that I am thankful for today:

Steve. I'm always thankful for him, of course. But when I came down this morning after my shower and saw that he wasn't eating I asked him about it and he told me he was fasting for me. It brought tears to my eyes to hear him say that. What a wonderfully thoughtful thing to do. He is so patient with me as my emotions flip flop all over the place.

The temple. We went again on Friday. Second time this month, actually. And that's no small feat, considering it's 3 1/2 hours driving each way. But I felt a strong need to go and Steve was willing to go along with it. And I love being in the temple. I love going through for my ancestors and am grateful that my dad does so well keeping us stocked with family names. And I needed to feel some peace amidst my frustrations and I found it there. And to top it off we got to do a little shopping at Kohl's :-D

Strawberries. A funny thing to be thankful for in January, I know. But the commissary had them on sale yesterday and they are incredible! The girls and I went through a whole package for lunch. Then I made Steve a strawberry pie for dessert tonight and I can't wait to eat it!

Kids. I am so grateful that this baby is healthy, even though I am frustrated that he won't just turn around. He's extremely active- moving from transverse to breech and back all day long. (I might still be pregnant in March waiting for the stinker to turn the right way!) I loved hearing Katie talk about how Jesus painted her eyes blue today. I don't know where she got that, but I thought it was just such a sweet thought. Sarah has the most infectious little smile and giggle. She is truly our ray of sunshine. And it makes me so proud when I watch Ellie. When she sings all the words to the songs she learns in Primary, when she drew a picture about the plan of salvation on her sketch pad one night, and just being an awesome big sister and smart little girl. I sure love my girls!


erin sheely said...

I am so glad that you got to go to the temple! That's fantastic. And you do have a great husband and kids!! And you are an awesome person. Keeping your spirits up at a time like this can be so hard so you go for finding the bright spots. Hang in there!

Horn Family said...

How sweet!!! I just love the funny, sweet, and tender things children do! We so need to come double with you sometime when you go to the temple! I have been such a slacker!

jmelgan said...

I like your new little phrases added to the Crazy Things I Say To My Girls.