Sunday, January 11, 2009

More Pregnancy Info

I figure I'll write a little bit more about what happened at the appointment now that I'm not nearly as depressed over it. Again, I finally met the doctor that is supposed to deliver this baby. His name is Doctor Mason and he is an older gentleman. He had a private practice in Texas, retired, moved to Colorado, decided retired life wasn't for him, and was recruited to come here to Kansas. So he's very knowledgeable and experienced when it comes to babies and pregnancy. Our first visit together was a bit frustrating for me. I am used to seeing doctors that basically tell me what to do. For instance, when I saw my last doctor, he told me they do c-sections at 39 weeks to avoid going into labor. It is scheduled and there you have it. Once you have 2 c-sections it's just a given. Well, Dr. Mason came in and asked what my plan was. Did I want to do a repeat c-section, did I want to wait and just come in when I went into labor? He gave me all sorts of options. And I since I wasn't expecting that, I didn't know how to deal with it. He kept asking me if he was answering all my questions, because I looked confused. But I was confused! We decided to get an ultrasound done to make sure there were no growth problems with the baby (as there were with Sarah and that will give me peace of mind). Then we would discuss our options again at the next appointment.

So ever since that appointment I've really been mulling over the fact that he asked if I wanted to deliver this baby naturally. And the more research I do and the more I think and pray about it, I really, really like that idea. I have had once successful delivery, which is a huge bonus for me doing it again. Sure, I've had 2 c-sections, but they were not related to anything that would necessarily make me have another. I realize there are risks of uterine rupture, but even with that I've read that it's not nearly as horrible as they make it out to be and it's not that common. So yeah, at this point I am determined to go in and tell the doctor that I want to try a VBAC. I just hope he was truthful when he told me it was an option. We are dealing with an Army hospital, after all. The thought of recovering from a natural as opposed to c-section delivery just feels good to me! It'll complicate things with planning on when Mom will come, but I think in the end we can make that work :) And that means it could be a couple more weeks of pregnancy that I wasn't expecting, but if I put my mind to it, I can survive. I will post when I get more news this week.

1 comment:

erin sheely said...

Wow! That's great Tiff! Let us know what the Dr. says!!