Thursday, January 15, 2009

Status Check

Just thought I'd give an update on what's going on with the pregnancy. I had an ultrasound on Tuesday to check and make sure the baby was maturing well. I found out he has a big head and is BREACH!!! Neither of those are things I was hoping to hear. Since then he has gone back and forth between breach and transverse. Stinker! Then Wednesday I saw my doc and he said that there has been no progress (I'm sure the baby being the wrong way doesn't help) and the only good thing he could report was that my cervix is softening. Great. I told him I want one more week to see if the baby will turn and maybe I can get some progress on the dilation. While I've been extremely discouraged over this news, I'm trying to keep my faith with the good feelings I had about the VBAC in the first place. I've tried all sorts of strange things to get this boy to turn around- laying upside-down with an ice pack on my belly over his head, putting a flashlight at my pelvis to get him to move towards it, pushing and pushing on his head to convince him to move- nothing. He just keeps rolling from top to side over and over again. And he's doing jumping jacks on my pelvis, which really hurts! Yeah- I'm trying to stay positive, but it's really, really hard right now. I have two more weeks until my due date, but if he doesn't turn by next Wednesday I'm probably going to have to schedule a c-section, which I don't want to do!!! Gotta just keep praying.


Jaymie Quigley said...

Man that stinks Tiff! It is so hard to get yourself used to a something different and get excited about it and then have to change. The good thing is you have a beautiful, healthy, wonderful little boy. Keep your chin up, it will all be alright!

jmelgan said...

Surprised to hear they would consider the VBAC. Hopefully it will work out for you.

Cynthia said...

Tim said that Isaac was all over too and they gave Miriam some exercises that worked for her. I will ask. If he's moving a lot there is still a good chance he'll just flip the right way. Stay positive! Love ya!

erin sheely said...

What a naughty little pumpkin!! I hope he decides to be sweet and scootch himself into the right position.