Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy St. Patrick's Day

So, as is our custom when Steve is away, we took pictures for today's holiday and sent them his way. Since Mom is still in Utah I didn't get too creative. I do better when she's around- she has a lot more fun ideas. We got a few fun pictures. And if you will notice, poor Katie's shirt was too small on her. I guess it's been awhile since I put that one on her and I didn't realize how big she had gotten! Oops! But Ellie loves to match and I just can't resist either!

Ellie was able to help Papa put away the firewood today. We had the one and only fire of the year in the fireplace last night. Ellie loves to do fires, especially because we get to roast marshmallows. But I must say that we are anxious for our Spring weather to come back. Our three-day teaser wasn't enough!

And bad news for me... Katie figured out how to climb onto a dining room chair today all by herself. What am I going to do with that girl? Ellie didn't start climbing things until she was 2 1/2!


jmelgan said...

The pictures are really cute!

erin sheely said...

the climbing is tragic! why do they have to grow up so fast? fabulous pictures! isn't it fun to send those? i didnt' do st. patrick's day ones...we did valentine's day...but it for sure is nice to have one (or two or three) extra sets of hands while you're doing it. :)

Sarah said...

gosh your kiddos are cute tiffany!! I bet steve was thrilled to get a st. patty's day picture! I'm excited about your upcoming arrival too...I love reading blogs from other helps to get good ideas from them about parenting situations!!

tom said...

Happy St. Patty's Day!