Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Separation Anxiety

Almost every child goes through this terrible stage a couple times while small. The first time is usually around 8 months when they realize the whole object permanence thing. Then they go through it again around 18 months... just in time for nursery. Well- a couple days after Christmas we decided to treat ourselves to a movie. We left the girls with a babysitter (two girls in our ward) and went to see "Enchanted"; which by the way- we loved. So I felt pretty good about taking this break and having a nice time. That is, until we got home and Sarah started to cry the second she saw me. It was the saddest little cry I had ever heard, too. I tried to give her to Mom so I could take the babysitter home and Sarah grabbed onto me, started crying again and wouldn't let go. Then for the next 3 days she would not let me out of her sight without crying those crocodile tears. She started waking up more often at night, wouldn't eat her baby food, and was clingy, clingy, clingy!!! Yikes! All this for 3 hours of sanity- totally not worth it! And of course Katie still will not stay in nursery on her own without me there.
On a positive note, Sarah is crawling all over the place and is pulling up on anything and everything she can. She giggles all the time and is just the sweetest little girl (when she doesn't feel abandoned). :-D Katie is just hilarious. I love the way she talks and the phrases she comes up with. I love that she is constantly singing whatever song comes into her head (ho-ho-ho... who wouldn't go?) and loves to dance. She wants to be just like Ellie and is doing her best to copy Ellie's every move. Very cute. Ellie is still a little mother to her sisters. She comes up with the funniest phrases. We were taking a picture of all the cousins and she said "the kids aren't cooperating!" She makes me laugh.

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