Sunday, January 6, 2008

Baby Showers

My little sister, Cynthia is due to have her baby boy in less than a month. Since I won't be able to get out to Utah to enjoy this awesome experience with her (I am so bummed), I sent her gift out to Utah with Mom months ago. I just found a picture of it, which I think turned out adorable. Someone had made one of these "diaper cakes" for me when I was pregnant with Katie and I have enjoyed making these for my close friends and family members that are expecting. Just a new twist on baby gifts. Plus, I get to give them some of my favorite things like soft plush toys, my favorite brand of diapers, Old Navy socks, Johnson's bedtime bath, and Carter's onesies and washcloths- to mention a few :)

Anyway- I think they're fun! (this is a pre-wrapped picture... I put clear wrapping paper around it to keep it from falling apart)

1 comment:

jmelgan said...

The little diaper cakes are pretty popular here. I had never seen them before we moved here. Being in a student ward we always have baby showers going on all of the time. I have seen some pretty creative ideas. Yours looks really nice.