Sunday, January 6, 2008

Fun Discovery

While Steve was here on R&R he bought a new SD chip for our camera. We packed away the old 1GB for emergencies and thought nothing of it. When Steve bought his new Canon Digital Rebel Xti we decided to sell our old camera to my parents and give them that 1GB chip to put in there. Well, I went to pull pictures from Christmas off that chip and guess what I found? 3 days worth of pictures while Steve was here that I didn't know we had. What a fun treat for me! The funny thing is that when I initially went through our pictures, I thought it strange that we had no pictures for almost 3 full days- completely not like us! Now I know the truth. Anyway- they made me smile and it amazes me how much the girls have already changed since Steve was here.

1 comment:

djelgan said...

Loved the pictures. I think #10 is just about the cutest I've seen.