Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I don't know how many people have heard the latest news, but it's not so great for those of us with deployed soldiers. Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced today that all troops currently in Iraq will automatically be extended an extra 3 months, making it a 15-month tour. We were told our deployment would be 12-18 months, so in a way it is nice to know that Steve will be there no longer than 15 months. But it's pretty lame as well. All the little things that Steve has missed so far in the two months he's been away and will miss again if he has to stay those extra 3 months (including all 3 girls' birthdays) makes me sad. I am just grateful to have family here to help take care of us. It's an interesting life in the military, that's for sure!


erin sheely said...

yeah, don't you like that? we're still waiting to find out if it applies to us...

tom said...

Still don't know if it's going to impact us or not almost 2 weeks after the announcement. I hope we are safe!