Wednesday, April 11, 2007

It happens almost every night

So it's almost bedtime, the girls have been cranky and all the sudden they get a second wind and they are happy and playing together and giggling- I love the giggling. And so I let them stay up longer because I just love it when they play together so well. Tonight was one of those nights. Katie discovered a mirror in my closet and was blowing kisses to herself. She was playing peek-a-boo through her legs (which Ellie had to join in on) and practicing walking in her bunny slippers. Once we got pajamas on the girls they started wrestling and having fun with that, too. It really makes me happy when they get along and play together. I pulled the camera out and got some fun shots of the play-time. Funny little girls!


jmelgan said...

Hey Tiff,

We loved all of the pictures! They are all so cute. Those little bunny outfits and ears are precious. Thanks for all of the posts we have been really enjoying them.

Jessica & Duane

erin sheely said...

what a crackup! i love the pictures. remember when we got matching slippers for emma and ellie?!

tom said...

Very funny pictures!