Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Here is my darling boy, Ryan. He is just the sweetest little guy.
Here are a few little facts about Ryan right now:
*I love, love, love his giggle. I could sit and listen to that all day long. And I love that I can always get one out of him by tickling him.
*I love his kisses. I just have to ask and he slobber kisses by biting my chin. Those are starting to hurt a little more now that he has two bottom teeth.
*He is full-blown into 12-month sized clothes. Buying boy clothes and dressing him in them is tons more fun than I ever thought it could be.
*He is just about crawling. He does one knee forward then flops forward onto this tummy. He is getting around pretty well with that. I would guess it'll be just days before he finally figures out the real deal.
*He is mostly sitting on his own. He's still rather wabbly and falls over after just a short while.
*He can only roll from his back to his tummy... unless he's swaddled (which he still prefers to go to sleep) and then he can go the other way as well.
*He always wakes up with a smile. I love that smile. Steve always says that I can't be grumpy when Ryan wakes me up, since he's always happy when I wake him up.
*Ryan loves his daddy. They get bonding time in the morning as Steve gets up early with Ryan. I love the way Ryan's face just lights right up whenever he sees Steve. And I know that means a lot to Steve as well.
*At his appointment a week ago he was 20 lbs, 12 oz. I thought that was huge, but apparently he's just 75% for weight. He's of course over 100% for height.
*We're still battling with food sensitivities (not convinced they're full-blown allergies). There are only a few foods that I've found so far that he doesn't react to. Plain cereals are safe as well as sweet potatoes and carrots. Most everything else isn't. I'll have blood work done before his 9 month appointment to check for allergies that way.
*Is finally starting to get on a more predictable schedule and typically only wakes up once at night now. I like that!
*He is my angel baby and I can't imagine my life without him.


Whacky Wheelers said...

What a handsome little guy!!!

erin sheely said...

He is fabulous! I wish I could meet him!!

Wilson's Wonderful World said...

Wow! He has grown up so much! These babies are getting too big too fast.

jmelgan said...

that's amazing he is so long to fit in 12 months. glad you are enjoying his company.