Friday, August 21, 2009

1st day of school

Today was the first official day of school for Ellie. And yes, I cried. But it was just as much frustration as it was sadness. To make a very drama-filled morning short, I am not impressed with the communication given by this school district (even though I've heard wonderful things about it and that's why we moved here.) I was dismissed when I voiced my concerns over a desire to change Ellie's class (afternoon to morning). And her bus picks her up 1 whole hour before school starts even though we live just barely over a mile away from the school. Yeah, very frustrated.
So, here is Ellie on her first (and very possibly last) ride on the bus to school-I will most likely just drop her off myself in the future. She will probably ride it home, even though that's about a 35-minute ride. I guess the lines to pick up kids after school are insane.
Yesterday we went to the school and met her teacher and dropped off school supplies. She seems like a great teacher. Ellie was very excited.
She even has her very own locker.
She told me that she can't wait to go back. I think that means it was a great day.


Jaymie Quigley said...

Too cute. I love the frogs on the locker. Your kids look through so grown up.

Melissa said...

I'm dreading next year. I'm glad you and Ellie made it through the first day of school. The pictures are so cute!!

erin sheely said...

Yea! She looks so grown up. I am so glad that she loves her teacher.

Wilson's Wonderful World said...

Tell her to "have fun" from us:)

jmelgan said...

I can't get over how much Elle has grown. She looks like a young lady more and more. Glad to hear school was a big hit.