Friday, July 17, 2009

Much-needed break

I really should be going to bed, seeing as Steve is at a camp-out and I will be up with the kids in the morning and most likely all night with Ryan. He still isn't sleeping more than 2 hours in a row. I hope it's just those stinkin' teeth. I'm testing out formula tonight, too. We shall see...

Anyway... on to my post.

On Tuesday Mom and Dad watched ALL 4 of my kids (they deserve a medal) while Steve and I took the entire day to escape. We left at 5:30 AM and headed down to St. Louis. I was able to sleep most of the way there and enjoyed the silence of the car. We arrived early for the 9am session at the temple. Oh- what a wonderful place to be. I love going through with Steve. We go once a month, which I LOVE, but it's best when we can be there at the same time. It was a great place to clear my head and get the spiritual rejuvenation I was in terrible need of. That is a beautiful temple!

Our next stop was lunch. Since I'm on such a ridiculous diet, my choices are fairly limited. But Steve spoiled me by going to Cheesecake Factory where I got their oh-so-yummy turkey club sandwich. Mmmmm... It's pricey, but I really like their food. We ate, we talked, we had a good time and we left. No screaming children involved!

Next was over to Scott Air Force Base. It's the closest military base to where we live (almost 3 hours away). Steve needed to get an updated DA (department of the Army) photo for his Major's board since he has received an award since the last picture. It took us a very long time to find the right place for this picture. Apparently the Air Force doesn't do things the same as the Army and nobody knew where to send us. Steve made it just in time for his appointment.

We then went to the commissary. That is a place I certainly take for granted when living near an Army post. Man, the prices are so much better! We stocked up on my favorites (only found there) as well as upped our food storage supplies. Again- shopping is so much easier and faster without kids!

And then we went home. It was great just talking to each other and not having to quiet a baby in the back seat. I felt like a million bucks when I got home. We ate dinner as soon as we got in and then I left again with my dad to a reception. By the time we got back the kids were in bed and we played games with my parents until after 10. What an awesome day!!!


Lindsey said...

Sounds like a great day. What a blessing to live so close to your parents.

Whacky Wheelers said...

Your parents are awesome for taking care of the kids. That's one thing I miss ... family close by. I'm glad you and Steve had an awesome day!

erin sheely said...

Hurray!! I am glad you got to get stuff done.

Wilson's Wonderful World said...

Now I am Oh so Jealous :)! What a great day for you two.

jmelgan said...

That's nice you were able to get a little break and get away.