Thursday, July 2, 2009

And then they were gone

Today we found a wonderfully loving home for our two kitties. It's a single lady that has had cats for years and needed some playmates for her current cat. From what she told us, she'll spoil those two rotten, which they will love. No kids to chase them, someone that loves to pet them and feed them yummy food. And no more being called "stinkin' cats" by us :) hehe... I wish we could have made it work with those two. They are the sweetest cats ever and we're going to miss them (Ellie cried when they were taken), but it was too much for us. And I think Ryan is allergic. Hopefully this will help clear up some of his symptoms. Bye-bye Daisy and Camo... :*(


Whacky Wheelers said...

But I loved seeing the cats dressed up in costume! I guess this means they'll start dressing up Steve!

erin sheely said...

Bummer! I know the kids loved those cats.

Jaymie Quigley said...

I'm still trying to decide if pets are worth the trouble. What do you think?