Sunday, April 26, 2009


Well, the experiment was a complete failure. That night Ryan refused the bottle so that answered that question. And I found out the offending food: my oh so yummy golden oreos. Yes, that one last treat that I thought I could eat turned against me. But ever since I took those out of my diet he's been awesome. I love my happy baby.

On a sad note, Steve just took Sarah to the ER to have her leg checked out. She looks like she's had a bad reaction to her shots she had over a week ago. Hopefully it's nothing. I'll let ya know.


Jaymie Quigley said...

The things we do for our kids. I had to ditch milk for a year with Avery. Too bad I replaced it with Diet Dr. Pepper...

Horn Family said...

Oh Tiffany!!! I just brought you those golden oreo's and you were so sweet and just smiled and let me wave them infront of you!!! I feel horrible!!! Oh I am so sorry!!! I hope the ice cream makes up for it. I should have looked on your blog before bringing dinner over!!! I am so sorry! Well I am glad that Ryan is a happy boy again. : )