Thursday, April 23, 2009


We are conducting an experiment around here. For the next day or so Ryan will be on formula to see if it clears up his allergies/colic. I don't like doing this, but I don't like seeing him in pain, either. His face has been really bad the last few days with bumps and the rash has spread all over his body and he's not been a happy camper. I almost hope it fails so nursing is the only option. Then again it would sure be nice to eat regular food again. He was pretty upset about the bottle at first tonight. We'll see how he does in the middle of the night.


carm said...

I really hope that it works, for both of your sakes. I know it is really hard ot have to stop nursing, but at the same time, you aren't getting the food you need, and Ryan doesn't like anything. I hope that the formula is better on his tummy.

jmelgan said...

good luck, hope it works out for you both.