Tuesday, February 3, 2009


So yesterday I went to the doctor with every intention to have him turn the baby. I told him that and he flat-out refused. I was mad. Why has he been suggesting it at every appointment for the last month if he refuses to do it? Yeah- this is most definitely not my favorite doctor. I never know if he's serious with me or not, and he's constantly talking down to me. This is my 4th pregnancy, I worked on Mother/baby, I majored in MFHD and took plenty of classes that discuss the topic of pregnancy and babies and I research it all the time. I'm not an idiot! But he treats me like one. I'm ready to be done seeing him!

Needless to say, the baby is still breech, I've still not progressed and we have my c-section scheduled for Thursday morning. I cried all through the doctor reading me the paperwork that I had to sign for permission to slice me open. And then I cried for a couple more hours after we got home. So it's decided. I really am trying to not be depressed over this. There's a reason for everything. Just wish I knew what it was!

We'll be sure and get pictures up right away and let you know how we're doing. Thanks for your love and support. Just 1 1/2 more days and this little one will be here. Definitely something to look forward to!


Scott and Sarah said...

That's SO frustrating!!! Is your mom ok with driving around on post? I could pick them all up and shuttle them to the hospital when you're ready :) PLEASE give your mom our number so she can let me know when to come pick Ellie up to play. We only have a couple weeks left, and I know Ella is really going to miss her.

erin sheely said...

Hang in there Tiff!! I can't wait to see pictures of your boy.