Thursday, February 19, 2009

2 Weeks Old

Where has the time gone? How is it possible that Ryan has been here for two full weeks already?
To start off, I took him to his doctor's appointment today. Just to set you up for this...
at birth, Ryan weighed 8-15
leaving the hospital he weighed 8-2
two days later at his 48-hour check: 8-10
two weeks after birth (today): 9-13

How did my almost 9-pound baby turn into an almost 10-pound baby in only two weeks? I must have liquid gold in my milk :-)

Now I'm going to brag about my baby. He is just the sweetest little guy. I seriously haven't known such a content little baby. He has a quiet cry that is used mostly when he's hungry or tired. He is very patient with letting the girls hold him, which they ask to do all the time. He's a great eater (obviously) and actually sleeps. People told me that having a boy is so much different, but I never really believed them. So far it's very true. He is a wonderful addition to our family. My only complaints: he can't handle me eating chocolate and he only pees on me during diaper changes. Steve can have that diaper off for extended periods of time and nothing. I have to be very vigilant at all times! :-D

I am doing surprisingly well. My surgery went without a hitch and they were able to clean out all that excess scar tissue that I always have and start all over. The doctor did use a low vertical incision in my uterus this time around to get out the baby. I assume it is because Ryan was completely breech. And they still had to do some pushing and shoving to get him out. I guess at one point the doctor reached in to get the rear and leg and instead ended up with a hand. He told me he stuffed the hand back in and went searching for a foot. Kind of a strange thought... They did mention the scarring on my bladder, which was from the first surgery. Maybe that's another reason why the doctor used the vertical incision- to avoid that? Dr. Mason also decided to use staples this time around- 23 total. The first two surgeries I had steri-strips and then glue. I wasn't too convinced at the time about staples, but now I definitely am. I had them removed a week later and the incision site looks incredible. I think that if I'm diligent about using Mederma I will end up with a fairly inconsequential scar.

Recovery went very fast this time around. I didn't get the shakes (thankfully) from the anesthesia and was able to move my legs and scoot myself over onto my bed after only an hour. Apparently that's fairly unusual. I'm finally off all pain meds and while I get really sore when I stand too long, bend over too much or go up and down the stairs too many times, I'm feeling pretty good. Certainly not 100%, but better than I ever did after 2 weeks from the other two surgeries. I guess I have everyone to thank for all their thoughts and prayers in our behalf- they most definitely have worked.

Another great thing- just 6 months ago the military approved paternity leave... 10 free days of leave for the dads. Can't beat that. So, it's been awesome to have Steve here for 2 full weeks to take care of me and the kids (can't just say girls anymore) so I don't have to. He's been doing a great job and I'm very grateful for him.

On a side note, looks like he'll have those beautiful blue eyes just like his sisters and dad. More pictures will be coming soon :)

So, while I complained a whole lot about being 41 weeks pregnant with no baby and then delivering by c-section, in the end we have been blessed with a gorgeous little boy and a speedy recovery.


cassie jones said...

It is amazing at how fast they grow. I am super glad to hear that you are all doing well. It looks and sounds like the girls are just loving him to pieces. If you need anything when Steve goes back to work please let me know.
Thanks Cassie

jmelgan said...

Glad to hear things are going so well.

erin sheely said...

Fantastic!! All of those things. I am so glad you're feeling good and that Ryan is such a sweat pea.