Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Date

So Steve surprised me last weekend with a full day date! We were up and ready to go by 8am Saturday morning when our babysitter arrived. (She had them until 5, then our neighbor, Matt took over until we got home) The plan was to head 2 hours to Six Flags in New Jersey, have about 6 hours of fun, stop for dinner and be home by bedtime. That's how it would work in a perfect world, anyway. Apparently the day before there was a multi tractor-trailer fire on the road we traveled. We were in the fray of completely stopped traffic for 1 1/2 hours. It was lame! So by the time we got through, ate lunch and made it into the park it was after 12.

But, even though the lines were longer, we were still able to ride a bunch of fun roller-coasters and really just enjoyed each others' company for the day. And to make it even better, it was sunny with a slight breeze and around 75 degrees. We haven't done anything together that fun since we were first married. I know it's bad, but I kept thinking... "man, I'm glad the kids aren't here. This would not have been fun with them!"

In my own defense, here's why:
1. So, so many people there. I would have been nervously counting to 5 all day.
2. Oh, the language and smoking and immodesty. Don't need my kids to see that.
3. Also the young kids and their boyfriend/girlfriends. I am afraid for when my girls start thinking about boys!
4. And the roller-coasters. I wouldn't have been able to ride all those fun rides!

In the end, an awesome date. We were home in time to get the kids to bed and the thing they said when we got home: "Can you two go on another date tomorrow?" I think the babysitters did an great job! In the end, an extremely successful day with my sweet hubby!


erin sheely said...

i am glad you loved this! i was hoping it was fun. i haven't been to a...teenagery amusement park forever! and yeah...taking kids there probably wouldn't be fun. :)

Corinne said...

Wonderful! Clint and I totally did that once for our anniversary and it was SO fun to just be there together. I love that you did that :)

Cynthia said...

Aren't those the best dates? The ones that really get you out of your groove? So fun!