Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sleepy, sleepy

There's something about sleeping children that has such a serene quality. Almost makes me want to just sit and watch them.

Katie and her Cheetah, which is her latest favorite stuffed animal. And amazingly she wears headbands 24/7. I would think that could get uncomfortable to sleep in!
Katie usually falls asleep on our bed, with the light on (she's acquired an interesting fear of the dark) and usually has a book somewhere near her.
On nights when we insisted she fall asleep in her own room, this was common...
But now Ellie has been sleeping on Sarah's floor since we removed the crib from Sarah's room a few days ago and moved her into a toddler bed. It was the only thing that would keep Sarah happy and in bed. What a sweet thing for Ellie to do. We hope to move them all into the same room soon.

And then there's Ryan who may someday get his own room. He insists on being swaddled with a pacifier to go to sleep, but rarely remains in it for long.
At the end of the day, especially a rough one- these sights tug at my heart, put a lump in my throat and remind me that I love my children more than anything in the world. I am a proud mommy of these sweet angels.


Jaymie Quigley said...

We have run into the "suddenly scared of the dark" issue too. Thank goodness for nightlights.

erin sheely said...

Oh the sleeping babies, I love it.

Sarah said...

Precious pictures! I am rarely brave enough to take pictures of my girls sleeping.

Horn Family said...

What sweet pictures! Malachi and Isaac have been doing that lately. Sleeping in eachothers beds. We just changed their room around so that the beds are actual bunkbeds. They love it but feel to far apart I guess so now they sleep in Isaac's bed together. Too funny.