Sunday, June 21, 2009


I guess I was spoiled while living on post at Ft. Riley, but we had gotten into the habit of never locking our car or our house when we were gone. Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing, but I felt that I could trust everyone there to leave my stuff well enough alone. Not here! Last Friday night Steve was at his campout and I was here with the girls. I always lock the house when I'm here alone, but left the van as it was. Next day... our nice GPS was gone. They left the charger and everything, which was odd, but the unit was gone. I am so frustrated. I don't like to suspect my neighbors or every person that walks by now, but I do find myself wondering who will rip me off next? Very lame. Still have to fill out a police report on it, too. If anyone comes across a GPS that shows our family at the start-up screen, let me know ;-) That reminds me... I'd better go lock the van.

Oh- and drivers here are terrible! I guess I never noticed because I moved from here to Utah where they're worse. But Kansas drivers are kind- almost to a fault. You can sit at 4-way stops for 5 minutes while everyone tells each other to go first. Here you have to watch out. Most are aggressive and they don't stop at crosswalks- even when I'm walking with all 4 kids in tow. Never thought I'd miss anything about Kansas besides the people :)


Corinne said...

I HATE that your gps got stolen! LAME LAME LAME!

erin sheely said...

that is lame!! i'm sorry. and illinois drivers can be grandma was one of the scary ones when she was alive bless her sweet heart! :) maybe things will get better?