Thursday, June 4, 2009

quick summary

I know it has been forever since I wrote, but I haven't even looked at pictures on the camera and am not quite sure where to start. So I guess I'll say that we had a great vacation with the Tolmans, we're moved into the house, almost all the boxes are unpacked and gone, and it's really starting to feel like home. Ryan is getting bigger by the minute and is almost out of his 3-6 month clothes (he's 4 months old today!) He giggles, grunts, and smiles lots. He is still a terrible sleeper (no more than 4 hours at a time at night) but that is not unusual for my kids, so it's not a huge deal. We get to spend time with my sister, Cynthia and her family and my brother Troy and his family in the next week, which we're really looking forward to. The ward is great and both of us already have callings. Steve is the assistant 11-year old scout guy and I teach that class for Primary. I hear they're a rough group of kids, so we'll see how it goes this Sunday. Any suggestions on what to do with 3 11-year old boys? :) I will try my best and get pics up soon!


erin sheely said...

I can't wait to see pictures from the trip! I'm so glad you're in your house and its starting to feel like home. That is sooo important.

Horn Family said...

How fun!!! I am so glad that things are going well for you!! I don't have any advice for 11 year old boys. I never have taught them. Good luck! You are great with kids so I am sure you will do Great with them. I hope that your Sunday goes great! Miss you guys!!!

Wilson's Wonderful World said...

I am so impressed you are almost unpacked. I still have a room of unpacked boxes in my basement. I bet Ryan is really really cute. I sure miss you guys.

LizzyP said...

You'll do GREAT with those boys. (I just happened to talk with our 11 year old teacher this past week about his calling!) This is their last push before priesthood responsibilities, so it's an exciting time. Expect a lot from them in class--sharing time is so boring for them. If they haven't finished their Faith in God requirements, make it your mission to have them memorize all the Articles of Faith as they relate to your lessons.