Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Diet +

To start off, I will say that Ryan is a very sweet little baby. Very even-tempered and now that he's smiling and talking more it's so fun to be around him. BUT... that's when I'm careful about my diet. I was looking at those pictures that I had posted last time and noticed how splotchy Ryan's face was in a couple of them. That is because not only does he have food sensitivities, but it makes his face/chest break out in that horrible rash. When I eat bad, he has horrible colic and we are all miserable. When I avoid those foods, it's heavenly with him. But get this list of foods I can't eat (these are the ones I know for sure): chocolate, strawberries, tomatoes, garlic, onion and any kind of nuts. That seriously complicates matters, as almost every dish I cook has onion and garlic in them! I've been eating a lot of salads lately. And golden oreos (my non-chocolate fix)... which is why I'm probably not losing any of the baby weight? Yeah, I need to not buy those any more.

We went down to the Oklahoma Temple last week, which was really fun. Winter Quarters was closed for cleaning, so we drove the extra distance (just over 4 hours). We stayed the night Thursday then went to the temple Friday and switched with 2 other couples for babysitting. At one point we had 10 kids that we were watching. Pretty crazy! It's always nice to be able to be in the temple, though. It's nice that we're able to get there once a month, even with the long distances we have to drive.

I had a change in callings at church again. I was released as the Primary pianist (again- extra bummed about it) and called as a Gospel Doctrine teacher (2 teachers rotate weeks). I enjoy teaching, so I was excited about this calling. Funny thing is, though- I might only end up teaching 2 lessons total before we move, as we have General Conference and then Stake Conference in April. I am really anxious about our move and excited for our next stage in life.


Whacky Wheelers said...

Tiff . . . thanks for your comment on my blog. I replied back to you . . . on my blog. I'm too lazy to type it again here . . . so go and check it out.

Okay . . . between being sick, surgery and recovery . . . I didn't get to find out where you guys are moving!!

Fill in the details!

P.S. I'm a BIG weenie!!

J. Elgan said...

That is crazy about the food. Hopefully you will find some meals that agree with you and Ryan.

erin sheely said...

Oh poor you and poor Ryan! Those little colic ones. Not fair! I'm glad you have golden oreos.