Thursday, March 26, 2009


I keep wanting to take more pictures, but it just doesn't seem to happen. I have a few fun ideas that I hope to get done soon. But in the meantime... Here are a few pictures of what my silly kids have been doing lately.

Geoff and Emily just mailed this dress back to me (I think it's a 9 month outfit) and the girls got hold of it. Sarah loves to dress up and was more than willing to go along with Ellie's scheme.

Speaking of schemes, poor Camo was rooked into this one. They tried to get Daisy as well, but she got away.

Ellie wanted me to take her picture. Not only is she acting like a little mother, but the crazy hair kind of looks like I feel most days, too :) She is very good about getting Ryan out of bed and bringing him downstairs for me when I ask her to. (Steve calls those nightgowns "man dresses")

Ryan has been very social and giving me HUGE smiles lately. For some reason the pictures I take don't do it complete justice, but he's just so cute! And check out those chins!

And I thought this was really sweet. The girls were watching a movie and Steve put Ryan down next to Katie. She is extremely gentle with him and he is always smiling at her.


erin sheely said...

What a sweet big sister. And I love the cat dress up.

jmelgan said...

Cute pictures. The cat in the dress is pretty funny.