Wednesday, August 24, 2011

po-tay-toe, po-tah-toe

So Sarah's first day of dance was yesterday and they practiced talking into a microphone, put on tutus, made up scripts, learned the parts of a stage (upstage, downstage, etc.) and learned a quick little dance. She loved it.

As we were driving home she told me that a girl there liked tattoos and that's not good. I explained to her that just because Sarah knows they aren't good for our bodies, doesn't mean that other people feel the same way. I realized that I needed to do some explaining when Sarah told me that, "people who have tattoos don't love Jesus." fabulous. But then the real truth came out. She said that she didn't like having to wear tattoos. Now I was truly confused until I realized... she was wearing a tutu... and thought it was a tattoo. Sounds pretty much the same, especially coming from her mouth!

So we had a quick chat about loving Jesus and wearing tattoos and tutus (yes, tutus are most definitely acceptable attire for dance class and you can still love Jesus and have tattoos) and all was made well.

The funny thing about Sarah... if she does or says something wrong, she just smiles, sighs and says, "I was just kidding!" That is her "out" and it makes me laugh every time. So I suppose it is successful :)

1 comment:

erin sheely said...

she is hilarious! i can totally hear this conversation in my head.