Monday, February 28, 2011


Medical dictionary definition:

inflammation of the mammary gland usually caused by infection

If only it were so cut and dry like that!

So, Saturday I got to find out what a full-blown infection felt like. I had one with Ellie that resolved on its own. I had been feeling a bit of pain for a couple days, but thought it would go away as well. Steve and I were actually in the temple doing sealings and I got light-headed. I asked for a drink of water thinking that would help. I went back in and started to feel really faint. It was time to head out. As I changed clothes I got really cold. Then I felt nauseous and hung out in the bathroom for a few minutes while I waited. Nothing happened except for worrying a few really nice sisters. I finally made it to Steve and as we left the temple I started shaking uncontrollably. And that is not an understatement. I've had the shakes after my c-sections and that was pretty miserable, not being able to relax without shaking. But this was amplified about 5 times. I had to bite down on my pillow in the car to keep from biting my tongue. It stopped my teeth from chattering, but it moved down to my legs or hands or whatever else. Even tensing up didn't relieve it. Steve rushed me to the hospital, which thankfully was basically across the street and in we went. And then we waited, and waited and waited. Nothing like being in an emergency room and have things move like molasses! I think we were sitting for about an hour. They were nice enough to bring me a heated blanket, which actually helped calm down the shaking.

By the time I reached my room the shaking had stopped but my head was pounding. My brother-in-law, Tim, was kind enough to drive over and assist Steve in giving me a blessing (thanks Tim and Cynthia!!!) It was discovered I had a 102.3 temp, so after some Tylenol, an IV drip of antibiotics and a prescription we were on our way. I slept most the way home (3 hours) and Steve was awesome to drive even though he was tired. I ate some pretzels on the way home, but those came back up a few hours later (second time ever since we've been married). Headache still hadn't gone away. I went to bed at 8, but was up every hour with either chills or sweating bullets. It was a miserable night. I awoke to a fever and headache, but after some more Tylenol and rest that finally went away. I ate a few saltines and drank a few sips of 7-up on Sunday afternoon, but that just made my stomach hurt worse. The infected area has gotten more red and the tenderness still has not gone away. I have been able to eat a little bit of food today, which is giving me a bit more energy. I'm hoping by tomorrow I'll feel much better and that infection will just go away!!!

Steve and I joked that the only way I've been able to lose weight this time around has been when I was sick and couldn't eat for a couple days. Didn't plan on doing it again just a month later! Although, I am 10 pounds lighter than I was a month ago after the first bout of stomach bugs. Exercise and diet didn't accomplish what starvation did... :-/

So yeah, miserable, miserable, miserable. And on top of it all, I think my milk is drying up. Ah... C'est la vie.


Monica said...

Oh, that is awful! When I said something to you today I hadn't actually read the post, I had just read the first couple of lines in reader. I feel a little silly that I said something like "oh that stinks" when it's really like "Oh my gosh! I'm glad everything is okay!". I just wanted to give you the reaction you deserved :)

Corinne said...

I am SO SORRY! That is a LAME thing to have happen during anniversary fun times. I'm glad you got help, though. Mastitis is scary stuff.

Sarah said...

Oh my lans. Tiff, that is awful. I'm glad that you guys were so close to the hospital, and that you are improving. Bless your heart, that sounds miserable!