Thursday, June 3, 2010

kissable toes

I love newborn hands and feet. And little Tom's are no exception.

I haven't done a post about our newest little guy. There are lots of pictures that Steve sent out to friends and family. I'll find some and post them down below. He just gets cuter and cuter by the day. But for those that don't know, here are his stats:
Born: May 25th at 8:19am by c-section
weight: 10-3
length: 22.5"

So yeah, he was a big boy. No wonder my body was hurting those last couple weeks! He is a perfect little baby. He eats well, sleeps well, and is so incredibly content. I am one blessed momma (of 5 kids!)


The Olsen Clan said...

Congratulations! You are so blessed!

Whacky Wheelers said...

What a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l family!

erin sheely said...

My word!! you guys are so cute!!!

Corinne said...

How WONDERFUL is all of THAT? You look fantastic, friend! Congrats!

jmelgan said...

Great Pictures!!