Tuesday, June 22, 2010

So There

Ellie was having a rough day Sunday. She was making a lot of bad choices and therefore getting in quite a bit of trouble. Steve was being the disciplinarian and Ellie was not happy about his chastisements. That night she was saying prayers and part of it went something like this, "thankful for mommy, daddy, grandma ... (pause)... thankful for mommy, grandma, grandpa..."


Shelly said...

LOL! Thank goodness it's temporary. Emma said she wants to live with another family when she got in trouble a few days ago.

Whacky Wheelers said...

Matthew has notes on his door . . . among 5,000 other things that say: "Dad Stay Out Forever!" and "Mom Do Not Enter!" He put those up at different times when he got mad at us. I've also heard many a prayer: " . . . and don't bless (fill in the blanks)!" Gotta love these kids!

erin sheely said...

ha! that's hilarious. poor steve.

Sarah said...

Oh, that is funny!!