Monday, May 10, 2010

Steve's shirts

I have always read in my pregnancy magazines that when your own clothes get too tight, it's a great time to raid your husband's closet. I always said it would be a sad day if I ever got big enough to need to wear Steve's clothes. Come on, he's 6'5'' and usually weighs almost 100 lbs more than me. Well, it is a sad, sad day...

And just for the record, I don't wear these shirts out in public! I walked past a mirror last night and saw this profile and just had to get picture proof of how silly I look. Oh- and I'm wearing the necklace that Sarah made me during Nursery for Mother's Day. :)


Shelly said...

Been there! My dad actually gave me some shirts, but they were from the days when he was so big that even when I was pregnant with twins they were huge.

Wanna borrow some?

carm said...

You look great. Only a couple more weeks, so exciting.

erin sheely said...

this cracks me up! i actually just stole a bunch of tom's shirts to wear now! i would have stretched them out before. ;) it's almost time!

Sarah said...

You are getting so close!!! I bet you are excited to be done and to meet the little guy! Are your girls so excited??

jmelgan said...

Very cute. Looks like all baby to me. :)