Sunday, December 16, 2007

Thoughtful Steve

Friday was a rough day around here for me. It's the Christmas season and I'm missing Steve terribly. The girls have been pretty rotten to each other and that makes it tough on everyone. I was lamenting my station in life when Steve emailed and asked if I had gotten a package from UPS yet? I hadn't heard any knocks on the door, but I went up to check anyway. Well- there on the doorstep was a box from Inside was a gorgeous bouquet of flowers. But it was the note inside that made my day, made my heart melt and caused the tears to flow. Steve had sent those flowers for our anniversary of the first time we met in person. December 14th, 5 years ago, Steve flew up to Utah from Texas to confirm that I was the girl he wanted to marry for all eternity. What an incredibly thoughtful thing to do! I have the best husband in the entire world!


jmelgan said...

That was very sweet...They are lovely flowers. I can not get over how much the girls have grown just since we saw them last.

tom said...

I remember getting an email from Steve describing when he met you. I was in Kuwait at the time. He was smitten.

erin sheely said...

hurray for steve! isn't it fabulous to have such a thoughtful husband? i remember when steve called me and told me all about you...he really was smitten!