Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Roly-Poly Tip-Toes

So Sarah has been up on her hands and knees rocking and rolling for a couple weeks now. Just the last couple days she's picked up a new trick- hands and tip-toes. It is really quite amusing. But the funniest thing about it, is she'll spit out her pacifier, get on her tip-toes, then do a push-up with her bum in the air to get that pacifier back into her mouth. It really is funny to watch. If Steve were here I'd blame him for making her do her calisthenics. ;-) She is getting very close to crawling, though. She amazes me at how well she can get around the room with just rolling and belly-flopping. I love this age!


jmelgan said...

That's great...How cute

erin sheely said...

that is hilarious!! binkie tricks are my favorite. love the pj's too!