Mouse rice. That's what the exterminator called it when he saw all the mouse droppings under my kitchen sink. (He spoke very few English words.) I had heard reports of mice in the neighborhood. But we were new in the house and I kept things clean. We would be fine. Yeah... not so much. Within 24 hours of the "sticky traps" being placed we had caught our first mouse. I didn't think having mice bothered me all that much as long as I couldn't see them. I was wrong. As soon as I saw that mouse and 100% knew those little guys were running around my house I was not okay. Kinda gave me the heebie-jeebies. I had Steve place the trap outside so I didn't have to look at that poor mouse. We accidentally left it out all night and by morning it was gone. I had visions of some poor animal roaming the neighborhood with a very sticky trap on its face after going for the mouse. I really hope not. We caught another mouse the next day and called the mouse man to come remove him for us and place a couple more traps. Two days later we caught mouse #3. Ewww!
It has now been a full week and all I have caught on my sticky traps are millipedes and baby spiders. I really hope it stays that way!!!