Thursday, October 31, 2013


Another busy week at the Elgan household!

Steve’s Ultimate Frisbee season is nearing its end.  This past Friday was their semi-final game, where they played Math.  That was one of the only teams they had lost to during the regular season, so it was bound to be a good match.  It was cold and windy, so I brought a little kiddie pop-up tent for the boys (Anna of course runs free) and was able to enjoy the game.  It certainly did not disappoint.  It was a fast and tiring game for the guys.  In the end, CME won!  Hooray!  So, the final game is scheduled for Wednesday against a team that they’ve beat twice (DPE).  Here’s hoping!  It’s been a lot of fun to be able to go out and support Steve in this endeavor of his.  I don’t know how much it means to him, but it has been thoroughly enjoyable to me and I’ve gotten to know more of the other people in his department, which has been nice.  

Steve’s birthday is the 30th (Wednesday) so we’re hoping for a good win.  But also, (did I mention this?) since he turns 37 this year he has put off his APFT to get the “easier” standards.  He may be running on Halloween this year!  The kids are really looking forward to doing some trick-or-treating.  We’ve invited the Hohoshes to come spend the evening with us, which should be a ton of fun.  

Speaking of Hohoshes… Thursday I convinced Sister Hohosh to come spend the day with me, so she showed up at 9 and hung out until after 3, when the girls got home from school.  She was awesome and helped me put some finishing touches on the girls’ costumes.  I found out that she actually was a costume designer for a little while, so she was a huge help for me.  

Friday was an insane day for me.  I bit the bullet and took the three kids shopping with me.  Lately I’ve wimped out and waited to go until Saturday, when I can shop alone.  Unfortunately, food was scarce in the house and I had to get ingredients for the food I was taking to the branch chili cook-off.   We survived Walmart and the commissary with minimal screaming from Anna.  We attended the Frisbee game, rushed home to get Anna a nap and I made chili, cornbread, salad, and finished costumes just in time for Steve to get home and leave again for the trunk-or-treat.  Unfortunately I didn’t get any pictures, as we were running very short on time.  This week I will for sure get some great pictures to share.  The chili cook-off was fun, as usual.  There was a great turn-out and my chili won :)

Sister Echeverria and I have been going to PWOC (Protestant Women of the Church) for Bible study the last couple months.  Yes, I realize we are not Protestant!  We just thought it would be a good diversion and a great way to be examples of “Christian Mormons”.  It has mostly been a great experience.  I am learning a lot about other faiths and it has been eye-opening to 1) how many great, Christian women there are out there and 2) just how amazing the Gospel of Jesus Christ is in its full, restored form.  I am even more appreciative of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.   There was a “Retreat” on Saturday that Sparkle and I attended (supposed to go from 9-3).  We lasted 2 hours and then we snuck out and went out to lunch.  Hehe… Sometimes it’s hard to sit and sift through truth and half-truths.  I decided that I would wait until the adult session of Stake conference that night to be fully uplifted spiritually.  And I was.  The theme across the world for Stake conference is “The Work of Salvation.”  All of conference was devoted to missionary work.  It was an amazing theme and I came home with some great insight and drive to be a better member missionary.  I’ll let you know how that goes.  

And to finish off, here are some funnies that I caught…

Funny Ryan moment of the week:
“The Lion Sleeps Tonight” is Tommy and Ryan’s favorite song, so they sing it all the time.  Ryan therefore likes “The Lion King” music.  I don’t know if you can hear it in your mind, but do you know the very beginning music of the movie- as the sun is cresting the hill on the African Landscape?   Hopefully you can, because here is Ryan’s version of how it goes… (I’ll give it phonetically then I’ll spell it out)  “Haaaaaaaa-la-pennn-yo baba beee ba-ba-ba”  (jalapeno baba be bababa).  Who knew he could speak African?

Then tonight we got Sarah’s definition of: To disappear:  To poof out of the planet

1 comment:

erin sheely said...

I love reading about your days! I miss you!