Sunday, May 1, 2011

Easter Picture

Cynthia and her family came up for the weekend and we had an awesome time staying up late playing games and the kids loved having cousins around. Then we all went to church together with my parents in Normal on Easter Sunday.

Less than 3 weeks before we move. It's really hard to believe!


Sarah said...

You have such a beautiful bunch of kids. Seriously, this picture is adorable.

I hope things are going well with your move. I know Erin and crew are SO excited for your arrival.

I hear we may get to meet up again this summer, and that would be so much fun!!!

erin sheely said...

love this photo! they look fantastic

Kendra H said...

Your children as so cute! I miss seeing them in their beautiful dresses at church. And look how big they've gotten. I feel like I've been on another planet for the last year so I'm just getting caught up and they are huge! I missed the news - where are you moving?