Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Random Thoughts

Here are just a few things that have been running through my mind lately...

It always amuses me when I have friends complain about going shopping/ running errands with one or two of their kids. Oh... it's just soooo hard. Picture this: it's pouring rain, the wind is gusting up to 30 mph, temp is hovering around 30 degrees and I have 3 places I need to go. I could wait, but the next day it's supposed to be colder and even windier. So of course, I take all 4 kids and we run in and out of the stores. Sometimes we're out for 2-3 hours running errands. Is it always ideal? Ha! Far from it. But mostly they're really good and that makes me happy. Oh- and today, when it would have been ideal to stay inside all day, I have had 6 kids to run around. I guess you never know your limits until they're tested?

Cooking. How can a girl reach the age of 14 and not know how to cook? I hope I don't offend anyone by telling this story, but it's really taught me the importance of letting my girls be in the kitchen with me. Our babysitter is usually solicited over dinner time so we can do a dinner date. In the past I've just let her do mac & cheese or frozen pizza. But my kids had eaten both within the week and I wasn't going to feed them that again. So I put out pancakes and sausage. You know- add water and cook the pancakes. Defrost and heat the pre-cooked sausages. When we got home Steve said, "what's that smell?" Needless to say, she had charred both the pancakes and sausage. I think my girls were less than gracious about it, but it looks like they ate it anyway. And maybe she just never cooked that kind of food before? Or maybe it was my stove? I hope so. But again- I plan on having girls that can cook the basics by the time they're that age.

And finally, what is it about turning 30 that made my metabolism stop? I've picked up exercising again lately (finally am healed well enough to actually get a good workout) But alas, all this exercise is not giving me the desired results!


Shelly said...

I wish I knew how to cook at that age. I wish I knew how to cook when I went to college. I wasn't interested, I was busy with other things and my mom didn't push it.

I'm still figuring cooking out. I plan to have the kids prepare one meal a week as they get older.

What are your tricks with shopping? I don't think I can take my kids into most stores, but I know twins is an unusual situation (can't push two carts).

I wish I could tell you the solution to the weight thing. Good luck.

erin sheely said...

i do hate the out in the freezing cold. i am impressed with how well you manage!!!

Corinne said...

You know, I feel strongly that my children know how to cook too, the girls AND the boys! Sheely is nine and already makes her own scrambled eggs and her own pancake! She even made french toast for us once. Part of it is just letting them try with someone around to help if they need it, you know?

It's great that you are aware of it!! Think of how glad they'll be when they get to college and are the only ones who can make a good dinner :)