Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sarah the 2 yr old

Sarah at Breakfast: I want pink milk.
Steve: Well, we don't have that right now, but would you like some orange juice?
Sarah who normally gets defensive and demands her original request shrugs and says off-handedly: "whatever..."

Katie and Sarah on the bed arguing over a picture frame...
Tiff: What are you guys doing?
Sarah, who was just yelling, very calmly says: Just fighting
Tiff: Why?
Sarah: Cuz me do.

Steve: Girls, I'm headed outside and if you guys get ready, maybe you can come out and play too.
Sarah: Or maybe not.


Shelly said...

LOL! I love when they are unpredictable and funny.

geoffrey said...

love it! you can't make that stuff up!

jmelgan said...

Very cute! Too funny.