Ryan says some really funny things. I should write them down as soon as I hear them, as there are so many, but here are the ones I can think of off the top of my head:
If you ask him a question, such as if his basketball shorts are new, here is what you can typically expect to hear: "they sure are, Mom bought them for me." He loves the word, "sure". Uses it in place of "yes" as well.
He had 4 grapes sitting in front of him on the counter. He started pointing to each one and counting. What did I hear: "uno, dos, chase, kato..." Here is how he counts to four in english: "one, two, fee, five!" Any ideas what my kids have been doing while I've been miserable in bed the last few months?
His teachers in nursery at church are Bro/Sis Fillerup. We were practicing their last name last week, and here's how it comes out- "Budde Fowup and siste Fowup". Now that would be cute, except that's also how he pronounces the word "throw-up"